Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Technical Update #1 - Video

As you can see, we now have video! That's right, and let me tell you it wasn't as hard as you might think.

This post is about giving a little credit where credit is due, and about providing information to anyone who might be interested in doing something similar.

First the credit, to my good friend Mark who is working very hard keeping abreast with all the leaps and bounds that technology is constantly making. He's the one who put me on the path to posting video. I strongly encourage you to checkout what he and his friends have to say about life in Montreal on their blog Midnight Poutine.

Next, if you're interested in how to post video to the net (for free by the way), checkout the people at the freevlog tutorial(there's also a link at the bottom of the page). They've put together an incredibly easy step-by-step tutorial on how to get this done.

Finally, my video is hosted (for free and forever) at a site called ourmedia. It's a pretty cool site devoted to amateurs like myself who just want to get stuff out there for people to see.

Sorry there are no cute photos of Hazel in this post. We'll get back to posting photos and video right away.




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