Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Why is there a picture of a car on the blog?

Excellent question! This is a photo of Auntie Erika's car, and it happens to be the subject of Hazel's first three word sentence.

There it was sitting in Nanna's and Opa's garage over the holidays and Hazel pointed to it and said, "Eku's Blu Yar!" A loose translation from Hazelese to English goes something like this:

Eku = Erika
Blu = Blue
Yar = Car

Hazel has been saying all these words separately for quiet awhile, but they all came together on this fateful date.

Eku's Blu Yar! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas Everyone!

And in the great tradition of posts about Hazel and food, here she is enjoying her first candy-cane!


Eating is easy!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Eating keeps getting better and better!
Apparently, Watermelon is GOOD!

Candy-canes are good! Posted by Picasa