Thursday, June 30, 2005

All the way from London.

D'Arcy and Kathleen are good friends originally from Canada, who now live in London, and came all the way back home just to see Hazel. Well, that's the story we'll tell Hazel (they also had a family wedding that weekend, but that will be our little secret).

D'Arcy, Kathleen & Hazel Posted by Picasa

Friday, June 24, 2005

Hi Grandma and Opa!

Hazel's Grandma and Opa have gone on a trip to Europe! I hope they don't miss Hazel too much, but in case they do here's a special smile for them both! Have fun! See you soon!

Today is a great day! Posted by Hello

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Daddy and Hazel on Father's Day

June 19th was Hazel's Daddy's first Father's Day! We spent a lovely day at Grandpa's house, eventhough Hazel looks a little surprised about the whole thing....

You want to take my picture with my Daddy? Posted by Hello

Hazel's Admirers

We spent this Father's Day at Grandpa's house, eating all the leftovers from Grandpa's big 65th birthday party the day before (sorry, Mommy was busy, and forgot to take any pictures of the party!). Grandpa, Uncle Peter and Daddy spent the day competing for the affections of you-know-who..... Hazel!

Hazel's Admirers! Posted by Hello

Hazel watches her Admirers....

Hazel sits on Grandma's lap and watches the excitement!
Opa and Auntie Erika were there too!
(look in "Friends" and "At home" folders for lots of new pictures!)

Hazel watching her many admirers! Posted by Hello

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Tummy Time.

Reading in the bathtub, reading while working out on my tummy, really so many books, so little time.

Hazel enjoys her tummy time, and her neck muscles are probably the best developed muscles in her body, because she can hold that position for a good 10 minutes (try that at home).

Can't get enough of reading! Posted by Hello

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Pool Party!

Today is June 11th, which is Hazel's 3 month birthday. It's also very hot and humid in Toronto (it felt like 41C with the temperature and humidity), so we decided to have a pool party! We went out to Grandpa's house and enjoyed his beautiful pool. As you can see Hazel is already a very accomplished swimmer.

At 3 months Hazel is 2 feet tall, (24 inches) and 14 pounds. She's a very happy girl who is enjoying her first summer.

I go around, and around, and around... Posted by Hello

Swimming is easy. Posted by Hello

Sunday, June 05, 2005

A nice comfy bed.

Hazel has moved out of the bassinet in her parents' room and into her own digs just down the hall. She looks pretty happy about the new sleeping arrangements.

Hazel still likes to eat every three hours at night, but she eats fast (like her dad) and goes right back to sleep (like her mom).

I sleep in my own crib now! Posted by Hello

A good book and a bath. There's nothing better.

Knowing how to relax is a very important part of life, and Hazel is getting an early start. Nice baths, a good book, a massage, it's all about the good things in life.

Like her grandfather, she's a voracious reader not even putting down 'Water, Water, Everywhere' while in the bath.

I like reading, even in the bath. Posted by Hello

Daddy's 30th Birthday.

Daddy turned the big 3-0 back on May 22nd, and this is a photo from the party. It shows four generations. There's Hazel, her dad (the birthday boy), Hazel's grandma (Daddy's Mom), and her great-grandma (Daddy's Nonna).

Daddy, Nonna, Grandma, and Hazel Posted by Hello

Toys, Toys, Toys!

'When I'm hanging out in my swing I like to take my fishy friends and favorite bug along for the ride.'

Hazel is starting to reach out for things and grab hold of them. This is picture of one of the first times she grabbed and held onto her bug toy.

I like toys! Posted by Hello

My Mommy's First Mother's Day

May 8th was Mother's Day, and not only did Hazel get to celebrate outside at her grandpa's house, she also met her uncle Peter for the very first time!! Angie's brother Peter (yes, also a Peter!!) had been working on a cruise ship as a musician, and hadn't seen Hazel until now!

Mommy, Uncle Peter, and Hazel on Mother's Day Posted by Hello